Grow Our Histories Training, 2018
Sarah Lowry from the Oral History society will lead free training sessions in the Fire Station Kitchen. These training sessions are part of SLG’s oral histories programme Grow Our Histories.
Learn how to conduct and collect oral histories in a relaxed and interesting full-day session which will draw together strategies for collecting oral histories, the origins of oral sound-recording and practical skills in using oral history recording kits.
You will have the opportunity to find out more about the SLG’s Oral Histories programme, which is currently focused on Peckham Rye Lane through a partnership with the Peckham Townscape Heritage Initiative.
The training is free to attend and is open to anyone interested in volunteering with the SLG’s oral history programme. We are looking to recruit volunteers specifically with an interest in hosting interviews along Peckham’s Rye Lane and ask that you are available to conduct a minimum of two oral history interviews in the six months following the training.
This event is now fully booked, to join the waiting list please contact Ben Messih, Heritage Education Manager, ben@southlondongallery.org