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Art Assassins on the Bivvy Broadcast trip

Art Assassins on the Bivvy Broadcast trip.

In September 2014 Art Assassins and artist Dawn Scarfe broadcast live sound from a forest somewhere in England.

In September 2014 Art Assassins and artist Dawn Scarfe broadcast live from a forest somewhere in England. Live sound streamed through the night whilst the group slept in a bivvy (a type of sleeping bag) on the forest floor. People were invited to tune in to the guerrilla-style broadcast to keep vigil over the group’s situation throughout the night.

Listen to the broadcast here.

Art Assassins are a group of young beings aged between 14-21 years old who meet every Tuesday at the South London Gallery. To find out more about the Art Assassins click here.

Dawn Scarfe is an artist whose work investigates resonance, perception and environmental atmospheres. She works across a variety of media and contexts including site-specific installation, performance and field recording.

<p>Team building before the trip.</p>

Team building before the trip.

The Art Assassins are supported by Oscar Murillo’s Lottery and Chelsea Arts Club Trust.

Dawn Scarfe is artist-in-residence with the Forestry Commission England through Sound and Music’s Enbedded programme which places composers with leading national arts organisations.

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