The Art Assassins and Ilona Sagar worked together in parallel to her exhibition Correspondence O at the South London Gallery. Their shared interest in the Peckham Experiment led to discussions, action-based research, and collaborative works exploring privacy, health and data ownership.
Their research included visits to scientific research centres including MRC London Neurodegenerative Diseases Brain Bank and TwinsUK as well as looking at examples of DIY biohacking and molecular research. Together they produced imagery that mimicked the language and stock-images used to advertise and sell home DNA products such as 23andMe, DNAFit, Thriva. Working with a lab at Kings College London, the Art Assassin’s DNA was extracted and visualised, opening up a wider discussion with the group about identity, technological and scientific innovations.
Art Assassins are a group of young beings aged between 14-21 years old who meet every Tuesday at the South London Gallery. To find out more about the Art Assassins click here.
Ilona Sagar lives and works in London. Using a diverse range of media spanning moving-image, text, performance and assemblage, she has formed a body of work that responds to the social and historical context found in the public and private spaces we inhabit. A significant aspect of her practice is the broad cross-disciplinary dialogue generated through collaboration with a range of art and scientific disciplines; including dance, architecture and neurology. Find out more about Ilona Sagar’s exhibition at SLG.
Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Art Assassins and Ilona Sagar outside MRC London Neurodegenerative Diseases Brain Bank, Denmark Hill.

Art Assassins session with Ilona Sagar